Linda SANCHEZ & Baptiste CROZE

Linda Sanchez was born in 1983 in Thonon-les-Bains. She lives and works in Marseille.

Baptiste Croze was born in 1985. He lives and works in Marseille.


Linda Sanchez was born in 1983 in Thonon-les-Bains. She lives and works in Marseille.

Linda Sanchez's work takes various forms (drawing, video, sculpture, installation, performance): these productions are however "connected" by the texts, notes and archives which almost systematically document them. From a domestic environment, Linda Sanchez experiments with DIY and combinations of materials, objects and everyday gestures. She records observations and hypotheses, she develops protocols, constantly relaunching and modifying these construction/deconstruction operations. In a very physical relationship to her work, she thus pursues an approach close in its modalities to those of a scientific researcher. This empirical dimension, which favors methodical practice and constant activation of the gaze, is articulated with a conceptual dimension which tracks the process and the enunciation.

Text by Corinne Guerci, 2007, Exhibition guide, If there are midges, there must be spiders, Galeries Nomades de l'IAC, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes, Contemporary art angle, Saint -Paul-Trois-Châteaux:


Baptiste Croze was born in 1985. He lives and works in Marseille.

“Baptiste Croze's work follows seemingly simple rules, which in reality cannot hide the slow maturation of his research. Of course, you can circumscribe your approach around a few activities, for example: sorting, hunting, collecting and gathering, then: sanding, molding, unmolding, cutting, photographing, and finally: arranging, spreading, displaying, installing. That being said, we cannot describe what the artist does so simply; is he a photographer, sculptor, visual artist? Let's say, watching him work, that there is a certain pleasure in looking for combinations. (…)”

Excerpt from Emboiter the found, Martial Déflacieux, 2016:


photo oeuvre
St. Peter's Church La mesure du plomb Linda SANCHEZ & Baptiste CROZE
photo oeuvre
St. Peter's Church Roulé boulé Linda SANCHEZ & Baptiste CROZE