White as snow

White as snow


Sculptures, flocked polyester resin, polished stainless steel, PVC wheels, variable dimensions

White as snow is an installation composed of seven castings in polyester resin flocked with white polyamide. Acting as a "remaker," Didier Marcel draws inspiration from nature and creates castings from elements found in his environment. The vertical and irregular shape of the castings recalls tree trunks, while the polyamide coating suggests the whiteness of snow. Attached to the finish of the artwork, Marcel seems to seek a realistic texture by focusing on sculptural parameters of material, form, size, and presentation. By introducing his stripped-down, uprooted, domesticated, hyper-realistic, and abstract forest into the museum space, the artist invites a new understanding of the natural element.


photo artiste

Didier Marcel was born in 1961 in Besançon. He lives and works in Dijon. 

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